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Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Nursery Rhyme Week Messy Play - A Fairy Tale Twist


Another week and another messy play for us to share with you! It was recently Nursery Rhyme week so we used this as our inspiration and mixed it up with Fairy Tales to give us our inspiration for our Messy Play and whole Babies and Beyond day!  With so many stories to choose from it was quite tough to select just two for our two tubs. After careful consideration we went with.. Drum roll please.. Goldilocks & the Three Bears and Jack & the Beanstalk. We went with these stories for several reasons, our Messy Play sessions take place in our Goldilocks' Creative Kitchen. So that one was a no brainer! As for Jack and the Beanstalk, that is one of our favourite theatre shows here at the Rainbow Factory which we have been perfecting for over a year now and all love, so it was only fair to do it justice and commemorate it in a Messy Play form (plus, magic beans was a great way to get messy!).

So, without further ado here is the how-to on this weeks Messy Play:

So, first up, the Three Bears. Now we all know this story of how a nosey little girl crept into the bears house to eat their porridge, borrow their chairs and to sleep in their bed. So we created something that was juuuust right for the little ones to get involved in. When we think of the Three Bears we always think of porridge, so what's more fun than oats? Of course, chocolate covered oats! We also wanted to bring some of the woods into the tub so we also included some herbs to add a new dimension to the messy play.

The ingredients we used were:

Cocoa Powder

To make this simple, yet effective tub you simply need to add the porridge oats and mix with warm/hot water. You can choose how much water you would like to add. The more you add the sloppier it will be, or if you just add a little it will have more of a sponge-y texture. That's the tough bit done! Now just to garnish the edges with the dill and sage, to really get the aroma its best to tear the dill and to pick the sage leaves off. The little ones will love the different smells and munching on it! The final part is optional, but it was my favourite bit, you can then use the cocoa powder to sprinkle a pattern onto the oats. I created a bear and wrote '3 bears' at the top! It is a really great opportunity to show your creative flair, or if you're little ones are not so little, get them to create a design!

If you want to create a really messy tub then this is the one for you! For Jack and the Beanstalk we obviously had to opt for beans, not just any beans but magic beans. This means we have to use a variety to add lots of colour, and if we are going to do a bean based messy play of course we are going to use baked beans and their tomato sauce. It's a great excuse to get slimy and to feel all the different textures. So for this messy play, these are the ingredients we used:

Baked Beans
Garden Peas
Red Kidney Beans
Butter Beans
Mixed Bean Salad

All of our beans for this messy play were tinned, so apart from the baked beans we drained all of the water and liquids that the beans were in - if you don't empty it it makes for a very... interesting... smell with all the juices. Once drained, mix all the beans together or you can create a pattern with them. We also added sage leaves to the mix because we thought they really gave the impression of beanstalk leaves, or at least how I imagine them! Now all that's left is to let them make a mess.

In the messy paint area for Nursery Rhyme week we decided to continue the Jack and the Beanstalk theme and make our very own hand print beanstalks!

This was really simple to do, put out the green paint (we used two different greens, a darker on for the leaves and a lighter one for the beanstalk itself), dip your hands in and do a couple of hand prints layered slightly on top of one another. Once you have made the beanstalk  you can add some rainbow coloured beans at the bottom by using the tips of your fingers.

It is so simple and so much fun! And don't forget to go free style and show us what nursery rhyme or fairy tale pictures you can make with your hand prints and foot prints.

If you want to send your pictures in e-mail them to: and we will feature some of our favourites on this post and on our social media! Don't forget to leave a name and age.

So that's all for this messy play post! If you have any ideas or thoughts of future themes be sure to let us know and we will see what magic we can work! 

Unknown / Author of this post

The Rainbow Factory, a creative arts play centre that brings stories to life with music, theatre and craft. By drawing upon themes from well-known books and fairy tales and bringing traditional stories and modern literature to life. Immersing youngsters in a world of adventure and fun, the Rainbow Factory aims to improve literacy standards by encouraging a love of stories in all their forms. We’re based in Farsley, Leeds, and happen to be the perfect attraction for a family day out!


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